Development Opportunities

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The AHP Practice Education Team are always looking for ways to support those who are interested in developing the facilitation pillar of practice. We are often in the position to offer exciting opportunities for the AHP workforce to undertake funded project work. All such opportunities to under take specific projects will be posted on the page.

Projects may be of particular interest to staff with capacity, e.g part-time staff, who may wish to increase days and have the knowledge and skills within the person specification for each project.  When opportunities become available they will be shared on this page and we invite staff to make a note of interest. If successful, individuals will work with the AHP team and national groups to undertake the work described within the specification. 

When opportunities do become available you will find a specification detailing the aim and deliverables of the project, closing date, process to note interest and contact details for further information. 


Expressions of Interest

None active at this time

Calling all remote and rural practitioners

The National Centre for Remote and Rural Health and Care have project funding available to look at solutions to support the delivery of AHP placements in remote and rural primary care areas. If you are passionate about education and supporting the future workforce this could be for you. Closing date is 21st January. Click on the link below for details of projects and how to note interest.