Supporting behaviours perceived as challenging

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This page will contain a number of resources and information in relation to behaviours that challenge, including Positive Behaviour Support (PBS)

Please note for information

NES Learning Disabilities team will continue to review and update this page as required.

Some of the below links and resources will direct you to information sources that are external to NES. These have not been created by NES and have been included for your information only. The inclusion of these sources is not as a recommendation or an endorsement of the associated content.

Essentials of learning disability

Two e-learning modules in relation to behaviour perceived as challenging are available within Essentials of Learning Disability, a set of brief modules on a range of topics.

The modules are:

Positive Behaviour Support

Positive Behaviour Support (PBS) is a widely recognised framework for supporting people with learning disabilities and complex support needs.  It is a person centred approach which aims to improve quality of life and reduce the occurrence and impact of behaviours that challenge. The information and resources within this section will support you to improve your knowledge and skills in PBS. Positive Behaviour Support (PBS) is a widely recognised framework for supporting people with learning disabilities and complex support needs.  It is a person centred approach which aims to improve quality of life and reduce the occurrence and impact of behaviours that challenge. The information and resources within this section will support you to improve your knowledge and skills in PBS. 

Understanding PBS Interactive Resource

Understanding PBS provides a comprehensive introduction to level one PBS for health and social care practitioners.  It was developed by the PBS Community of Practice in conjunction with the Scottish Social Services Council (SSSC) and is available via the SSSC learning zone.

The 12 chapters can be completed as a whole or accessed individually as stand alone topics.  Learning activities encourage real world reflection and learners can submit evidence of activities to apply for Open Badges.

The resource will be of value to those providing care and support to people with learning disabilities, including family carers.

Positive Behaviour Support - earlier resources

Information and learning around Positive Behaviour Support has been available for a number of years.  As PBS has evolved it is important that education and training reflects current understanding and best practice.  This includes recognising that different knowledge and skills in relation to PBS are required at different levels of practice.  

'Understanding PBS' has been developed as a key resource for level 1 PBS in Scotland, and is the recommended resource for any grounding in PBS.  Individuals and organisations can use the resource in any way that suits their needs, and further materials to support use of Understanding PBS will be available in the future. 

This section contains some earlier learning resources which remain available for people to access if needed.

Further information

The PBS Community of Practice is hosted by the Scottish Commission for People with Learning Disabilities (SCLD) and is committed to promoting the use of PBS and sharing good practice.  Regular webinars and events are delivered.  You can find out more and access a range of resources here: 

The Coming Home report into delayed discharges and out of area placements for people with learning disabilities and complex needs was published in 2018.  PBS was highlighted as a key approach to improve outcomes for people, with recommendations to develop and embed this in Scotland.  

You can read the implementation report here: Coming Home Implementation: report from the Working Group on Complex Care and Delayed Discharge