For reviewers and managers

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Remember, the important part of the PDPR process is the conversation between reviewer and reviewee. The annual review provides an opportunity to build on, summarise and formalise the regular conversations that you have with your team throughout the year.

Annual review

A good review will help you to:

  • set clear, explicit and achievable objectives
  • have an open, honest and protected conversation on performance and development
  • reflect on behaviours as they affect work and colleagues
  • identify further development areas and plan change
  • reward good performance and motivate staff


Watch this video for some help and tips on how you can make the most of this time to talk with your staff.

Remember - your responsibility

If you have responsibilities as a supervisor or manager, you should be confident and competent in carrying out performance appraisals and development reviews, undergoing any necessary training and development before carrying out a review. If you have not then you must raise this as a personal development need.