BowTie Analysis (BTA)

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BTA is used in many high hazard industries to proactively identify and understand:

• The threats that could lead to serious harm and loss to people and organisations.

• The controls that need to be in place and functional to reduce the risk to an acceptable level.

• The principal benefit of BTA is the awareness it generates of:

• The key controls relied on to protect against serious adverse events.

• The nature of those controls, how they can be degraded or defeated.

• What needs to be done to ensure those controls have as high a chance as possible of providing the protection expected of them. 

Applying human factors concepts and method, such as BTA, can help us to jointly improve the performance of our complex health and social care organisations and the wellbeing of the people who use and work in these services.

Barrier Thinking in Healthcare Webinar by Prof Ron McLeod C.ErgHF
NHS Education for Scotland BTA Guidance
Photograph of the BowTie analysis guidance

Download Barrier Management for Health & Social Care safety

The NES Guidance on BTA.