This page is a comprehensive catalogue of all our currently available CPD and e-learning resources which are hosted here within our Healthcare Science pages on Turas Learn.
(Please note you must be logged in to Turas Learn to access these resources so please do so within your browser before clicking on any of the links below. If you don't have a Turas account sign-up free by clicking here: Create an account)
These pages are for you to share useful CPD materials in a controlled and quality assured manner. We can offer support by helping you develop or signpost various learning resources for your speciality, hosted on Turas Learn. Sharing your resources helps disseminate good practice nationally across the NHS. We are also currently trying to determine training gaps and identify priority learning needs. Please contact us at HCS@nes.scot.nhs.uk if you want to discuss this with us.
Page last updated: 14/02/2025
NES HCS Early Years programme
NES HCS Refreshing leadership programme
NES HCS Train-the-Trainer programme
NES HCS Trainees-in-Difficulty programme
High Impact Leadership (Quiz)
Performance Management
Promoting CPD and Reflective Practice
Risk Management
A Beginner's Guide to Creating Virtual Reality Resources
An Introduction to Clinical Audit for Healthcare Scientists
Introduction to Laboratory Genetics
IBMS Scottish Training Forum - Specialist Portfolio Examination Training
IBMS Scottish Training Forum - Online Registration Portfolio Verifications Training
Medical Devices Level 1: General Awareness
Medical Devices Level 2: Your Responsibilities for Medical Devices
NHSGGC approach to medical device regulation & compliance for in-house manufacture/modification
Role of the Incident Reporting and Investigation Centre (IRIC)
General MRI Safety Awareness Training for Staff
MRI Safety Training for MHRA Category A staff
MRI Safety Training for MHRA Category B staff
MRI Safety Training for MHRA Category C staff
MRI Safety Training for MHRA Category D staff
MRI Safety Training for MRI Referrers
Radiation Protection: Radiation Protection in Theatres
Radiation Protection: Introduction to Radiation Physics
Radiation Protection: Biological Effects, Dose and Risks
Radiation Protection: The Ionising Radiation Regulations 2017 (IRR2017)
Radiation Protection: The Ionising Radiation (Medical Exposure) Regulations 2017 (IRMER2017)
X-Ray Contingency Plans