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Children with Exceptional Healthcare Needs (CEN) Managed Clinical Network

Children with Exceptional Healthcare Needs (CEN) Managed Clinical Network logo

The Children with Exceptional Healthcare Needs (CEN) Network exists with the aim of strengthening specialist services for children with complex and exceptional healthcare needs throughout Scotland. Specifically, children and young people under 19 years of age who require ventilator support, tube or intravenous feeding and have several other serious health or developmental problems. Further information on CEN criteria can be found by visiting the national managed clinical network site.

The CEN eLearning modules follow three key themes that were identified by families as being paramount to making the reality of their lives, and their child’s healthcare, as good and as comprehensive as it can be.

These themes are Communication, Coordination and Compassion.

Each of these modules is relevant for anyone who encounters children and young people (CYP) in their work, and will help the learner to understand more about the lived experience of those they care for.

eLearning modules
words compassion co-ordination communication

These three eLearning Modules have been designed for all clinical and support staff who work with children and young people who have exceptional healthcare needs, as well as their families. This includes nurses, doctors, allied healthcare professionals, healthcare assistants, as well as third sector and support agencies. They are also relevant to the undergraduate health and social care student population.

Note: You must be signed in to your Turas account in order to view and access the following elearning modules. If you do not already have an account you can register via the link at the top right of the screen.

Health and social care workers are renowned for their dedication to improving the lives of others, yet knowing how to do this when the person being cared for cannot communicate their needs, can be daunting. These modules will guide and teach practitioners from any discipline or profession how to act in ways that respect the individual in their care

We hope you will enjoy this learning experience and go on to share your knowledge and skills with others.  The journal is a useful record of learning which can support embedding that learning in your own workplace. The reflective journal could be used as part of the Turas Professional Portfolio, as evidence of learning. Please do let us know your evaluation of these resources by using the links provided.