Practice educator preparation and development for AHPs across health and social care

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Information on how to become an AHP Practice Educator and the different development opportunities available.

AHP practice educator toolkit

Want to know more about how to become an AHP practice educator?

A practice educator is an exciting and essential role as part of your career as an AHP practice educators provide training opportunities for AHP students creating practice based learning experiences or placements in practice settings.  This allows students to practice skills and build knowledge outside of the classroom.

It is your opportunity to help develop and shape future AHPs whilst at the same time supporting your own learning and development in the context of continuing professional development (CPD).

Take a look at this toolkit to guide you on your next steps to become and AHP practice educator.

AHP practice educator toolkit

A step by step guide to becoming an AHP practice educator

Being and becoming a practice educator

An online learning programme has been developed, for new and existing Allied Health Professional (AHP) practice educators, and can be accessed by registered Turas users here : . It is essential that all AHPs that are new to supporting AHP students on placements complete this online preparation.  It is also an excellent means for existing AHP practice educators to update their knowledge and skills as part of their continuing professional development (CPD).

In addition, universities across Scotland delivering AHP programmes regularly offer practice educator training for new and existing AHP practice educators.  This page is regularly updated with information about upcoming practice educator training and events. 

The AHP practice education community endorses and supports the modernising, diversifying and sustainability of practice based learning.  Training and support is available to AHPs working across any sector. 

In addition to any training or events included on this page, any practice educator or potential practice educator looking for further support or training, please make contact directly with a relevant university.  

If you have relevant practice educator training which you would like to be included on this page, please email details to: 

What's on

Development opportunities for all AHPs in one place

Please find all up to date practice educator preparation opportunities here.  This SWAY is kept up to date and directs you to different opportunties to update and develop your knowledge, skills and behaviours as an AHP supporting placements. 

Additional resources

Please get in touch should you wish further information, guidance or sign posting using this email address

Additional information on being an AHP practice educator is available here on the NHS Scotland AHP careers website.