Knowledge and skills framework

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An overview and explanation of how the NHS knowledge and skills framework can be applied to healthcare built environment.

The framework

Preventing and reducing infection and other risks in the healthcare built environment

As a key part of workforce education and development NHS Education for Scotland has developed this Knowledge and Skills Framework in conjunction with key stakeholders to support Scottish Government priorities in the provision of safe healthcare facilities.

Importantly, this Framework also has the potential for wider utilisation by organisations that work in partnership with the NHS, for example, building contractors and suppliers, to support collaborative working practice. For the purpose of this Framework, reference to risks means those known risks commonly associated with service systems, that is the provision of water and drainage, air ventilation, electricity, fire prevention and medical gases

The framework articulates the knowledge and skills required across 4 levels of practice :

  • Informed level Describes the essential knowledge and skills required by all staff to contribute to preventing and controlling risks to individuals within the HBE. This level also includes individuals from external organisations who work within NHS settings and need to be aware of their contribution to maintaining a safe environment.
  • Skilled level Describes the more in-depth knowledge and skills required by ‘front line’ staff who have direct and/or substantial role(s) in preventing and controlling risks.
  • Enhanced level Reflects the extensive knowledge and skills required of specialist staff with increasingly complex and explicit roles (professional/technical) which directly or substantially contribute to strategies/interventions that prevent and control the emergence of risks.
  • Expert level Describes the advanced knowledge and skills required of staff, who have specialist/defined roles in developing, overseeing and directing governance measures designed to prevent and control risk.

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You can also watch this animation to learn about the Knowledge and Skills Framework user guide.

Duration: 02:41

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