Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) allows you to use evidence of work-based experience and learning to support your personal and career development.
RPL can help you value and build on the learning you have gained informally and to use this recognition to:
• go on to more study or training
• provide evidence towards a qualification or for a job application
• gain credit points that you can use later
More information can be found in the Guiding Principles of RPL, the RPL manager guide, the RPL user guide.
How do I register for the Turas RPL Portfolio?
Support Workers in Scotland, who work in the NHS, social care, voluntary and independent sectors, can self-register for TURAS at this link. And, if you already have a TURAS account, you can sign in here Turas RPL portfolio.
Don’t worry if it’s been some time since you used Turas and you’ve forgotten your password; just follow the ‘forgotten password’ link from the Turas login page and you can quickly create a new and memorable password that will allow you to log-in again.
The Portfolio How to Guide will help you get started and quickly find your way around the resource.
Turas portfolio (recognition of prior learning) is available to all Support Workers who wish to use an individual portfolio to record evidence of their learning.
Why should I use the portfolio?
The portfolio is designed with you in mind to help create and record evidence to cover a wide variety of information from your day to day learning.
Portfolio makes recording learning easy; it is safe and secure and provides a permanent record stored online.
Watch the RPL Portfolio animation to find out more.