Fellowship Cohort 12 Posters
Aim: 25% reduction in adverse outcomes, including unnecessary acute referral to hospital, by March 2021 for children presenting with acute illness in Primary Care
The aim of the project was for all ED Stream 1 (Minor Injury & illness) paper light notes to contain and communicate the essential medical information from the patient encounter, by June 2021.
A more effective clinic for return appointments with clinic activity starting to clear backlog of appointments by end 2019
By March2021 we will increase the compliance of appropriate observation frequency 3 in the ante/postnatal wards at Aberdeen Maternity Hospital from 50% currently to 80% and the National MEWS4 (maternal early warning score) escalation pathway from...
90% of all patients who undergoes POP surgery (since September 2018) will have a standardized follow-up, that they will find useful and recommendable. This standardized system will be implemented within December 2020.
1) Increase DTT endoscopy & radiology by 50% 2) Reduce waiting times to CRC diagnosis to meet, if not better the regional target
Establishing a centralised, evidence based, primary care mental health service in the Scottish Borders.
During test of change week we wanted to: 1. Increase the number of frail older adults being discharged home from unscheduled care from a baseline of 15% to 25% 2. Increase proportion of patients discharged < 48 hours
By September 2021, 95% of stroke patients at UHM will have swallow assessment performed within 4 hrs of admission to hospital.
Aim: To increase the uptake of postnatal contraception from 28% in 2019 to 40% by the end of 2020.
To reduce the number of interruptions at the O&G handover by 50% by May 2020
To decrease the number of patients exceeding the recommended time limits for emergency surgery based on the medical condition.
To increase GREATix nominations to 8 a month by June 2020 to improve learning and enhance staff morale.
95% of Ward 118, POD A, patients would have a nurse in charge on their ward round by May 2020.
The purpose of a Medical Emergency Response Team is to optimize the reception, stabilization, diagnosis, treatment and disposition of acutely ill medical patients before further treatment and decision on level of treatment. The initial assessment...
To reduce the number of alarms in the ICU, Victoria Hospital, Kirkcaldy, by 75% from Oct 2019 to June 2020 and to increase the percentage of actioned alarms.
By end of 2020 increase proportion of completed registrations within 60 days of out-of-hospital cardiac arrest from 70% to 90%
For patients within Lyon ward to be attending 80% of their planned pathway critical occupations through Occupational Therapy, by August 2021
AIM to reduce the calls from potential frequent callers by 50% by May 2020
To make the decisions made by the colorectal cancer MDT more person centred.
Utilise a participatory design framework to explore aspirational ideal ways of working across allied health, nursing and medical professionals to design a single, person-centred, multi-disciplinary, digital record for inpatients by April 2020 with...
We predefined a total elapsed time per pathway, which indicates the time from referral received to treatment start. The national requirement is to have 70% of the cancer patient treatment start within recommended elapsed time.
Aim: To reduce monthly bed days of CYP under age 18 years admitted to adult beds by 50% by May 2020 and to improve the care pathway for CYP admitted to adult psychiatry beds.
Initial Aims: - increase number of high-quality Anticipatory Care Plans (ACPs) by 25% - reduce unscheduled hospital admissions by 10%
Aim: Reduce median waiting time from referral to surgery for patients in need of a primary hip replacement with 30 days within 1/1 – 2022.
Safe patient medication. By June 30th 2021, 90 percent of the electronic charts are complete and correct at the time of handover to the general surgical and orthopaedic sections from post surgery
Increase the number of people committed to prison in NI who are tested for HCV by 50%
To determine if introduction of an AMPT to the multi-disciplinary ward team can improve AS and patient care and safety at the Royal Alexandra Hospital (RAH)
Reduce inpatient bed days by 30% for patients with cellulitis at Starship Hospital by May 2020
To have 90% of blood cultures taken in sterile environment with optimal blood volume by October 2020
All patients receiving dialysis in our unit will have the opportunity, information and education to participate in aspects of their treatment
By April 2020 collaborate with women in Fife living with disadvantages* to deliver a change to increased those attending Sexual Health Fife by at least 25% (*substance dependency, homeless, offending behaviour 1)
Project Aims: -100% have a whole hospital safety brief from the clinical co-ordinator - 90% of tasks on HAN workbench - 80% finish within 30 minutes - 75% have the surgical junior present