We are so delighted to be able to share the FNP Scotland Education Strategy with you. This has been developed through wide consultation and collaboration with our key stakeholders; family nurses and supervisors, senior colleagues in NHS Education for Scotland (NES), FNP Leadership team and FNP leads, the wider FNP community and of course our clients. This was created within a context of continual change and improvement across many policy areas in Scotland. The strategy reflects the NHS Scotland values and is inclusive of the principles and expectations for family nurses and supervisors in FNP/Nurse Family Partnership (NFP) countries.
This will be launched on the 1st Sept 2021 and we do hope you will read this and share widely with colleagues in your Board area and especially the members of your FNP Advisory Board. There are a limited number of hard copies available and a copy will be sent to all FNP bases for reference. We would appreciate any feedback or comments you have about the education strategy and look forward to updating you all on our progress against this in the future.
We would like to take this opportunity to thank you for your ongoing support to the FNP education programme and education team. This is always very much appreciated and has been particularly welcomed through the pandemic.
We have also created an animation exploring the development of the strategy and may find this is helpful to share with colleagues, stakeholders and clients. This can be accessed from this page