General awareness and support

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Information and learning resources on autism to promote overall understanding of differences, potential support needs, and how to take account of these.

General awareness and support

Coming soon

- Supporting Autistic Children and Young People - An Introduction for Health and Social Care Professionals

Coming soon

- Supporting Autistic Adults - An Introduction for Health and Social Care Professionals

Key considerations in promoting positive practice for Autism Spectrum Disorders

A guide for those working in health and social care on ways to promote positive practice for Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD).

Equal partners in care: caring for carers

Equal partners in care: caring for carers

This 3 minute video aims to raise awareness of identifying carers and understanding their needs.

Web Resource on Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASDs) For GPs and Primary Care Practitioners

This NHS Education for Scotland website was designed for GPs and primary care practitioners and contains information on what is an Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD), as well as information on identification, the impact of ASD, potential presentations and adjustments to practice to support people with ASD. This resource is helpful for the informed and skilled levels of practice.

ASD Advice for primary healthcare professionals

ASD Advice for primary healthcare professionals 

This 10 minute video highlights the importance of assessing and treating other physical and mental health conditions in autistic people, and highlights the challenges faced by autistic individuals in accessing care and treatment.  Ways to adapt practice, environment and care to improve access to primary care for autistic individuals are provided.

This film was co-produced with autistic people and The National Autism Team in Wales, funded by the Welsh government.  NES would like to thank them for permission to use this resource.

Autism across the lifespan: Because life happens

Autism across the lifespan: Because life happens

This e-learning module and 8 minute video animation explores the impact of transitions and change on autistic individuals. The resources use real life situations and characters to demonstrate the impact of change on a range of autistic individuals, and encourages reflection on adapting your practice.