Working with children
“New to Forensic: Working with Children” (referred to as New to Forensic) is an educational e learning resource which has been developed to assist a wide range of health and social care professionals who are new to working in a forensic context with children. The resource aims to develop the knowledge and skills required by staff to promote collaborative, safe and effective work with children, their families and carers.
The New to Forensic module comprises of nine topic areas. While there is a wealth of learning content within each of the topic areas, there are also links to a variety of external resources which will offer more expansive descriptions and explanations. The aim of the module is to raise awareness and peak curiosity in order that the learner not only gains a better understanding of the knowledge and skills, but also the values and beliefs that underpin effective work within this area. It is also hoped that the reflective exercises included throughout, will encourage examination of personally held beliefs and working practices, and how these may, unconsciously, impact daily on the interactions with the children, their families and carers that access our services.
Working with children who present a serious risk of harm to others can be emotive and challenging, but also very rewarding. It is important that when we work with children that our approach is both child centred and trauma informed.
In order to access the module we ask that you first watch the short animation on the right and then read the introduction section of, New to Forensics : Working with Children, which sets the context for further learning gained across each of the topic areas. On completion of both you will then be able to access and work through the module found at the bottom of the page.
Please review the 'Module progression guidance' below before starting the module
To begin the module, you must first open and complete the Introduction section. This means that you be required to work your way through each of the Introduction subsections including; Navigation Icons; Welcome; Alternative Formats; and Learning Outcomes for each Section and Glossary Information.
Click the interaction element within each of those subsections to complete the action. For example, clicking the headings to reveal the information as shown in the example to the right.
Each subsection will display your progress (as shown below). If you are uncertain as to why the sections haven't been unlocked, the progress bar will indicate which subsection you have not yet completed.
The percentages indicate where you need to read/interact further, to complete the Introduction.
Once you have completed the Introduction you will then be able to access all remaining topics.
Note: Please ensure that you are signed in to your Turas account in order to view and access the elearning module. Please register for a TURAS account if you don't have one already.