Co-ordinators and Links

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Co-ordinators and Links

Co-ordinators of Scottish Mindfulness Network

There are 2 Mindfulness Coordinators, who oversee the training pathway, organise central trainings such as Supervision, organise Network meetings, CPD events and offer Mindfulness supervision as well as liaising with NHS Education for Scotland, Service Managers, Mindfulness Leads, Mindfulness Teachers and BAMBA.

The Coordinators are: Charlotte Procter, Neil Rothwell and Vee Freir, who are all experienced Mindfulness teachers, trainers and supervisors and have all  facilitated Mindfulness retreats.

Charlotte Procter:

Charlotte is a clinical psychologist who works in specialist services in NHS Lothian. She has many years of experience applying mindfulness approaches to complex disorders and has delivered courses for patients and staff since 2001. She has facilitated teacher trainings and retreats in both the NHS and also the private sector and has facilitated a follow-on interest group and supervision for mindfulness teachers in the NHS.

Contact:  charlotte.procter[at] 

Neil Rothwell:

Neil is a freelance clinical psychologist. He has extensive experience in the practice and teaching mindfulness and has published articles on the approach. He has also been running regular mindfulness courses for clients and NHS staff for the past 15 years. Previous jobs have included head of the Primary Care Adult Psychology Service in NHS Forth Valley, and clinical manager at the Robert Fergusson Unit national rehabilitation service for people with brain injury.

Contact: neilhome44[at]