GPST Projects

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What are the QI General Practice Specialty Training (GPST) Work Place Based Assessment requirements?

As part of the Royal College for General Practitioners (RCGP) Work Place Based Assessment, trainees who have started GP training from August 2020 onwards are required to undertake a small QI project.

•This should be completed during their six-month GP placement in the first or second year of their GP training.

•These projects are to be assessed by Educational Supervisors using an assessment framework.

•The RCGP suggest that trainees use a specific QI method called ‘The Model for Improvement’.


How should GPSTs pick their improvement project? 

Trainees should pick something that is of interest to them and that is important to the local delivery of care. It is likely that they will need guidance from the ES and practice. We recommend considering:

•Is the project achievable in the time frame?

•Is it aligned with priorities in the practice?

What support is available to GPSTs?

The NES GP safety and improvement team have developed a GPST QI training course that aims to increase their QI skills, knowledge and confidence. The course will consist of two 90-minute online interactive tutorials. Trainees will be assigned to a cohort of around 30 trainees from across Scotland and remain in their cohort during the three tutorials. Each tutorial will cover a different aspect of QI which will support trainees as they work through their project. These tutorials can be completed during educational sessions.