Management Training Scheme

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The aim of the Management Training Scheme (MTS) is to identify, recruit and develop a small number of graduate level people who have the potential to become top leaders and managers within NHSScotland and so make a long-term contribution to public services in Scotland.

The Scheme supports NHSScotland in securing future leadership capacity and capability by investing now in high calibre individuals who demonstrate the potential to develop into senior leadership roles. 

The programme reflects the needs of NHSScotland, its constituent organisations, and the individual Trainees.  The overall framework will provide:

  • A comprehensive insight into aspects of health improvement and healthcare delivery with key partners.
  • Management placements that will provide challenging opportunities to develop operational and strategic management and leadership competencies.
  • An opportunity to gain a broad insight to health, healthcare, management and other related sectors.
  • A postgraduate level qualification; skills development and a personal development package to underpin experiential learning with academic knowledge.
  • A comprehensive package of support, particularly through mentoring, peer thinking and coaching, plus good line management.
  • This Scheme will be supported by local health organisations.  NHS boards will host a trainee for the duration of the programme and the Chief Executive or Director of Finance or a key member of the senior executive team will sponsor the trainee.
Employment Information

Your contract of employment is with NES for the first two years of the Scheme which acts as host employer for the NHSScotland Management Training Scheme.  Management trainees will follow standard NES HR/Payroll policies unless stated otherwise on the contract of employment.  If you require any further information please contact your Scheme Manager or HR at NES.

HR can be contacted using the Workforce Service Desk. Their support includes enquiries relating to salary, terms and conditions of employment, annual leave entitlement and updating your personal information.

The full range of HR Policies can be found on the NES intranet site at "Help Me With" section.


Year 1: 65% of the maximum for Agenda for Change Band 6

Year 2: 70% of the maximum for Agenda for Change Band 6

Year 3: 75% of the maximum for Agenda for Change Band 6

Salary is payable monthly in arrears through the NES payroll by Bank Credit Transfer on the last Thursday of every month.  Trainees are on a national trainee salary grade, which is reviewed annually.  Please note that for the trainee salary further information can be found in your contract of employment or by contacting HR.


All expenses incurred by trainees in relation to their education and development are expected to be claimed in line with NES policy.

Expense claims are submitted through a system called e-Expenses which is available through a connection to the SWAN network e.g. from an NHSScotland server at the following link or via the NES intranet site.

You are required to complete an Access Application Form and submit through the Finance Helpdesk or to the Scheme Manager.  You will then receive log-in details and a guide to using the system. 

If you are claiming mileage a copy of your certificate of car insurance, which must have business use included, must be submitted prior any claims. The Scheme Manager also needs to confirm that they have viewed your original valid driving licence and MOT.

Full details on entitlements can be found within the NES Travel and Subsistence Policy.  Please contact the Scheme Manager if you have any queries.

All receipts must be attached by the trainee when claiming expenses. If submitting receipts via email, a scan/picture of both sides of the receipts are required. Failure to attach receipts will result in non-payment of missing items.


All staff receive electronic payslips through e-Payroll.  For further information on accessing e-Payslips or to request a paper payslip please contact the Finance Helpdesk on the NES intranet site. Please note Internet Explorer is the preferred browser for accessing the Finance Helpdesk.

e:ESS is the National HR Information system that allows staff to view and update their personal details including home address, phone numbers, next of kin and equality and diversity information.  Please contact for further information and assistance.

Your e-Payslip will be available in the week you are being paid. Your basic pay will be detailed along with any deductions for tax, NI and pension. Your cumulative salary, NI, tax and pension are also detailed.


Enrolment into the National Health Service Superannuation Scheme is automatic and your salary is superannuable.  The Scheme is contracted out of State Earnings Related Pension Scheme (SERPS) and details of the Scheme should have been sent to you with your contract of employment.  For any further information regarding the Superannuation Scheme, please go to the Scottish Public Pension Agency or telephone 01896 893000.


Your P60 is issued at the end of the financial year. This is an important document and should not be destroyed.  Duplicate P60s are not allowed to be issued, as per Inland Revenue rules. If you have any problems regarding your P60, contact your local Tax Office.

When you leave the employment of an organisation you will be issued with a P45 form which should be given to your new employer on commencement in any new post.  A P45 will be issued when you cease to be employed by NES at the end of year 2 and commence in the employment of the board you are placed in. 

When you complete the Scheme your final salary will be paid in the usual way, with payment for any outstanding annual leave if appropriate, and your payslip will be posted to your forwarding address.  Your final payslip will include a P45 and any other relevant documents.

Annual Leave

Annual and Public Holiday leave for all staff should be discussed and agreed in your Host Board; and requested through NES using the Allocate Loop. Through the app you can view and request annual leave and public holiday leave for the current leave year. During the NES employment the trainees will follow the NES Westport Public Holiday leave schedule:

  • Christmas Day
  • Boxing Day
  • New Years' Day
  • January 2nd 
  • Good Friday
  • Easter Monday

For further information, please see the Agenda for Change Annual Leave Policy  If you have any queries please contact the Workforce Infrastructure team through the Workforce Service Desk


When you need to take time off due to illness, please contact your line manager in your Host Board, and inform the Scheme Manager in the first instance, who will update your sickness absence for NES records. NHS Scotland Attendance Policy applies: Attendance Policy | NHS Scotland

Leaving the Scheme

Unless you intend to leave the Scheme early, there is no need to give notice at the end as you are on a fixed term contract. Should you leave the NHS Scotland during the academic year on a voluntary basis or be dismissed, you may be required to refund all current associated financial assistance.

Scheme Overview and Placement Information

The Scheme outline is intended to be used as a guide and can be varied with the agreement of the trainee, Host Region/Board and Scheme Manager.

General Management Training Scheme

A brief summary of a typical three-year general MTS journey is below.  More information in the General Management Training Scheme overview

Year 1Year 2Year 3
 3-month comprehensive induction to health and social care 3-month elective Host board role for a minimum of 12 months.
 9-month operational management post 9-month strategic management post 

To complement the practical placements, and as an integral part of the overall Scheme, you will be provided with a bursary to allow you to undertake a Post-Graduate level qualification.  This choice will be guided by the Scheme Manager. You will also undertake leadership development and engage in peer thinking sets, designed to cover the six Leadership Capabilities.


A Placement Agreement and Review document should be completed and reviewed at appropriate stages of your formal development planning and review.  The planning and review, completed together with your placement line manager, are supported by your host region/board Placement Coordinator and the NES Mentor, and submitted to the Scheme Manager at completion of each placement planning and review stage. The aim of this document is to focus your development discussions to facilitate SMART objective setting and review against the six leadership capabilities. 

Personal Development Plan & Review

There are two capability and competency frameworks that apply to you:

  1. NHS Leadership and Management Framework which comprises of the six leadership capabilities
  2. Knowledge and Skills Framework (KSF)

In years one and two of the Scheme, your performance will be reviewed in relation to the six leadership capabilities. These will inform your Personal Development Plan & Review (PDP&R) and the design of your placement.  You should also review your recruitment feedback against these capabilities.

In year three in your host board, you will also use the national personal development process which is currently the Knowledge & Skills Framework (KSF). 

The PDP should reflect formal and informal learning and take advantage of in-house board training, such as induction, recruitment and selection.  We would encourage you to take responsibility for your PDP as this is a good habit to get into early on in your development.  You will be required to maintain a learning log book which will record your development journey.  This will be used to form discussions at each stage of your training.  The capability framework, PDP and placement content will be discussed at regular progress reviews. Progress to the next stage of the Scheme is subject to satisfactory performance. 

Support and Development

Throughout your time on the Scheme, you will have access to a range of structured support, direction and career management to facilitate you in raising your game and fulfilling your full potential. We recognise that you will need support as a trainee manager carrying out an essential role within this complex system.

In years one and two you will have dedicated time to study your Post-Graduate qualification equivalent of one day per working week on average. You will also attend foundation leadership development provided by NES, which forms part of your essential learning in the Scheme. You will find support from a variety of sources including your new colleagues in your Host Boards and fellow students in your Post-Graduate course. The key people working with you throughout the programme include:

  • a Placement Coordinator will organise the orientation, the setting up of the management training posts and liaise with the Scheme Manager.  They need to be familiar with the placement guidelines and will ensure that biannual progress reviews take place.
  • a Line Manager for each placement is responsible for objective setting and appraisal, development opportunities and feedback.  They will provide direction and advice relevant to the management training post and support you to grow your understanding of the operational and strategic issues.
  • the Scheme Manager is responsible for the full management of the MTS and works with stakeholders to shape the future direction of the Scheme.
  • NES Mentor supports the Scheme Manager in their role and works closely with the Placement Co-ordinator supporting you.  They partake in discussions to identify meaningful placements which offer you appropriate stretch and the opportunity to develop knowledge and skills in line with the leadership capabilities.  

In addition to this, you will have access to:

  • a senior manager who will act as your mentor. This role is crucial in offering advice, support and credibility to you. The sponsor role is very much about “opening doors” and exposing you to valuable experiences such as board meetings and introducing you to the strategic thinking of the organisation. They will act as a sounding board to allow you to reflect on your performance and development within the board.
  • a buddy, a senior colleague / peer e.g. ex-trainee, who can provide guidance and share experience and learning. 
  • coach will be allocated in year two to support you to identify areas of performance you want to improve and take you through a development journey. 
  • an education team who will coordinate your foundation leadership development.

Foundation leadership learning

The New Horizons leadership programme begins in Autumn/Winter of your first year and continues with Peer Thinking Sets during the second year of the MTS. The New Horizons will cover the skills of effective leadership and management and will be underpinned by the Health and Care Leadership and Management Development Framework and aligned to the talent management philosophy.

The learning outcomes for the foundation leadership learning drew on the following:

  • Health and Social Care Leadership and Management Development Framework
    • Leadership Capabilities
    • Leadership and Management Pathway
  • NHSS KSF Dimension Level Guide
  • NHSS KSF Core Dimensions 1 – 6 (revised wording) and G6

The Leadership and Management Pathway provided the distinction between Aware and Informed (generally year one of MTS) and Skilled & Capable (generally year two of MTS, or later).

Leadership Capabilities

For each Leadership Capability, at each stage in the Leadership and Management Pathway, it was necessary to identify the desired behaviours (what trainees need to do differently or better at work), and then generate the learning outcomes (knowledge, skills, attitudes and confidence) needed to support those behaviours.  This distinction between the desired behaviours and learning outcomes is based on the Kirkpatrick Model for evaluating the effectiveness of training. You can see the detailed learning outcomes under each of the capabilities below.

Collaborating and Influencing

Read about the full learning outcomes for this capability. This will be a valuable resource if you are a trainee or have a role supporting trainees.

Collaborating and influencing means leading together for better outcomes. Effective collaboration requires the ability to influence others to see things differently or open up to alternative courses of action.

The leadership elements relating to the collaborating and influencing quality are:

  • Leading partnership working
  • Influencing people
  • Understanding and valuing the perspectives of others

 Take a look at more resources that can help you develop this capability. 

Creativity and Innovation

Read about the full learning outcomes for this capability. This will be a valuable resource if you are a trainee or have a role supporting trainees.

Creativity is about opening up the mind to new possibilities, while innovation is finding new ways to improve the current ways of working. Creative people are prepared to take risks that move their work or organisation forward. They like to solve problems and have an open mindset.

The leadership elements relating to creativity and innovation are:

  • Seeing opportunities to do things differently
  • Promoting and supporting creativity and innovation
  • Leading and managing change

Take a look at more resources that can help you develop this capability. 


Read about the full learning outcomes for this capability. This will be a valuable resource if you are a trainee or have a role supporting trainees.

Empowering means enabling others to develop and use their leadership potential. Empowerment involves action. To empower people, you need to recognise that they can be leaders regardless of their position or role within the organisation.

The leadership elements relating to the empowering quality are:

  • Enabling leadership at all levels
  • Driving a knowledge sharing culture
  • Promoting professional autonomy
  • Involving people in development and improvement

Take a look at more resources that can help you develop this capability. 

Motivating and Inspiring

Read about the full learning outcomes for this capability. This will be a valuable resource if you are a trainee or have a role supporting trainees.

We experience inspiring individuals at all levels of our services. They set the standard by appreciating others, investing in colleagues and focussing on quality. By doing so, they motivate and inspire others to develop their own positive leadership style.

The leadership elements relating to the motivating and inspiring quality are:

  • Inspiring people by personal example
  • Recognising and valuing the contribution of others
  • Driving the creation of a learning and performance culture

Take a look at more resources that can help you develop this capability. 


Read about the full learning outcomes for this capability. This will be a valuable resource if you are a trainee or have a role supporting trainees.

Self-leadership means recognising, exercising and improving your own leadership. This is someone who has a developed sense of who they are, what they can do and where they are going. Coupled with this is the ability to influence communication, emotions, and behaviours.

The leadership capabilities relating to self-leadership are:

  • Demonstrating and adapting leadership
  • Improving own leadership
  • Enabling intelligent risk-taking
  • Demonstrating and promoting resilience
  • Challenging discrimination and inequality

Take a look at more resources that can help you develop this capability. 


Read about the full learning outcomes for this capability. This will be a valuable resource if you are a trainee or have a role supporting trainees.

Successful leadership starts with a clear vision. It focuses our attention so we can prioritise what matters most, enabling us to solve current problems, set goals and implement plans that take our organisation forwards into the future. Vision defines the organisation as it would appear in a future successful state.

The leadership elements relating to the vision quality are:

  • Seeing how best to make a difference
  • Communication and promoting ownership of the vision
  • Promoting a public service ethos
  • Thinking and planning strategically

Take a look at more resources that can help you develop this capability. 


Resources and support for each of these areas will be made available from both the national Education Team and the local boards / organisations.