The role of the Healthcare Support Worker (HCSW) reviewer is to support the HCSW to work through the Induction Standards within their first three months in post.
The main task for reviewers is to introduce and work through the Induction Standards in the context of the real-world setting a new HCSW works in. This is sometimes referred to as "on the job" induction activity. A reviewer has responsibility for four main tasks:
1. Ensuring that new HCSWs understand how to meet the standards
2. Planning and supporting the learning to achieve the standards jointly with HCSWs
3. Reviewing their achievements against the standards
4. Recording that the standards have been met
New HCSWs should be encouraged to take responsibility for their own learning, and raise any concerns they may have at the earliest opportunity. As a reviewer, your knowledge of the workplace will be key in facilitating access to the right information at the right time.
Guidance for Reviewers takes new reviewers through the whole process of achieving the Induction Standards in a step by step way. Experienced reviewers may find it useful to refer back to, or to use the Preparation Checklist included within the Guidance for Reviewers.
The resource provides guidance on reviewing a new healthcare support worker's achievement of the mandatory Induction Standards and codes
Action plan template for reviewers of healthcare support worker (HCSW) induction standards
Remember to encourage HCSWs to make use of Turas Professional Portfolio to record reflections and evidence their learning. They can upload their completed workbook to Turas Professional Portfolio. Find out more about Turas Portfolio and how they can get started.
Reviewers of the Induction Standards often ask what is "enough" evidence, or how will they know if the standard has been achieved? The Induction Standards should be seen as a building block, which makes sure new staff have enough knowledge to work safely. Remember that meeting the Induction Standards should be seen as a joint activity where both reviewer and HCSW have responsibilities. To support this reviewers and new HCSWs should:
Remember that when the standards are achieved, this must be recorded as per local policy. If you are unsure how to do this, your Human Resources department should be able to help you.