The model for improvement

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The model for improvement is a framework for supporting and accelerating improvement.

The model for improvement

The model for improvement is a simple yet powerful tool for accelerating improvement. The model is not meant to replace change models that organisations may already be using, but rather to accelerate improvement. 

The model is based on three fundamental questions: 
● What are we trying to accomplish? 
● How will we know that a change is an improvement? 
● What changes can we make that will result in improvement? 

The graphic below outlines the three questions combined with the Plan-Do-Study-Act (PDSA) cycle to form the Model for Improvement. The three questions constitute the thinking part and the PDSA cycles the doing part of The Model for Improvement.

The model for improvement infographic

Working through the three fundamental questions before making any changes ensures that: 

your aim is clear  

you know what you are going to measure 

you can measure the impact of any change that is made. 

Remember measurement is essential to understand have your suggested changes made a difference. 

Plan Do Study Act (PDSA) cycles are an ideal quality improvement tool that can be used to test an idea by temporarily trialling a change and assessing its impact. The graphic below illustrates the PDSA cycle for improvement and what should be considered at each step.

The PDSA Cycle for improvement infographic

The tests of change should be small, rapid, and sequential. Keeping them small minimises any risk and impact on the wider system.  

Please see an example of a completed PDSA template.

Please see a blank PDSA template to be utilised for your improvement work.  

For more information on the Model for Improvement and how to use it, visit the Quality Improvement Zone.