Safe disposal of waste

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SIPCEP foundation layer topic: Safe disposal of waste.

Please note you must log in to Turas to view any eLearning modules below. This account is the same as your Turas Appraisal account. If you do not have an account then please register for a free Turas account. Once logged in, select the module titles for further information. Important for NHS Board staff: Please check with your line manager where you should complete any SIPCEP eLearning.

The eLearning modules available are:

  • Safe disposal of waste
  • Safe disposal of waste : assessment
eLearning modules

The module has been updated in line with changes in waste management guidance and now includes additional content that will help learners to make NHSScotland and other organisations in health and social care more environmentally and financially sustainable.

 For further information please visit the NSS NHSScotland Sustainability Action Programme and the Turas Learn Zone on Environmental sustainability and climate change.