Hand hygiene

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SIPCEP foundation layer topic: Hand hygiene.

Please note you must log in to Turas to view any eLearning modules below. This account is the same as your Turas Appraisal account. If you do not have an account then please register for a free Turas account. Once logged in, select the module titles for further information. Important for NHS Board staff: Please check with your line manager where you should complete any SIPCEP eLearning.

The eLearning modules available are:

  • Hand hygiene
  • Hand hygiene : assessment

Please note that the term ‘alcohol-based hand rub (ABHR)’ has now been updated to ‘hand rub’ in the National Infection Prevention and Control Manual (NIPCM). A hand rub (alcohol or non-alcohol based) can be used if it meets the required standards. Please see further information in the hand hygiene products literature review

All educational resources on the IPC Zone will be updated in due course. 

This change does not have any implications for hand hygiene practice. 

eLearning modules
Learning resources

In this section you will find supporting documentation and videos related to the above eLearning.

Liquid soap and warm water

Duration: 01:04

Alcohol Based Hand Rub (ABHR)

Duration: 00:42

What's stopping you?

Watch this animation to find out what is stopping people doing hand hygiene.

Duration: 03:52

Related resources

Think Sink, think splash, think safety!

Below is an educational animation for all staff which focuses on Clinical Wash Hand Basins (CWHBs), their intended purpose, the unintended consequences of misuse and water and drainage associated infection risks.

For further information, please visit Healthcare Built Environment educational resources