Welcome to the Open Wide digital platform.
Open Wide is an oral health improvement programme for adults aged 16-64 who require support with daily oral care as a result of a physical, cognitive, medical or mental health condition. Adults with additional care needs often face challenges to maintaining good oral health.
The guide for trainers offers practical advice and recommendations to be shared with anyone involved in caring for adults with additional care needs.
NHS Ayrshire & Arran | Hazel.andrew@aapct.scot.nhs.uk |
NHS Borders | emma.anderson7@borders.scot.nhs.uk |
NHS Dumfries & Galloway | Shona.muir2@nhs.scot |
NHS Fife |
NHS Forth Valley | evelyn.kidd@nhs.scot |
NHS Grampian | gram.cityohpteamleaders@nhs.scot City: gwen.robertson@nhs.scot Shire: diane.lawson1@nhs.scot Moray: sarah.gourley@nhs.scot
NHS Greater Glasgow & Clyde | |
NHS Highland | North: jane.weeden@nhs.scot South: mary.dawson@nhs.scot eilidh.mackinnon@nhs.scot Mid & West: Miranda.moodie@nhs.scot Argyll & Bute: margaret.morrison6@nhs.scot |
NHS Lanarkshire | |
NHS Lothian | |
NHS Orkney | karyn.tait@nhs.scot |
NHS Shetland | morag.mouat@nhs.scot |
NHS Tayside | |
NHS Western Isles | anne.macaulay2@nhs.scot |