Collected videos and blogs on posture for Your Posture Matters
Hear from family carers and practitioners and their support for ‘Your Posture Matters’
Amanda, NHS Fife
Annalise AF Family Pamis Video
Norma and Barnes
Norma, Community OT, Edinburgh City
NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde, Children and Young people’s Physiotherapy team
NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde, Children and Young People’s Physiotherapy team and young people
Family carer discussing posture
The legacy of Craig Whinnett
NHS Lanarkshire LD physio team demonstrating supported lying
Michelle's mum's metastatic breast cancer diagnosis led to bone deterioration and reduced mobility
Barnes discusses NHS Lothian work
NHS Lanarkshire Your Posture Matters Learning Disability Physios discuss posture
NHS Lanarkshire Your Posture Matters Learning Disability Physiotherapists discuss posture
Gill from Pamis discusses posture