Different types of journal article are listed below. Each journal will provide a list of article types and their specifications under information for authors.
BMJ Case Reports
BMJ Open Quality
BMJ Quality and Safety
Implementation Science
International Journal of Medical Students
Postgraduate Medical Journal
Quality in Primary Care
Student BMJ
The Student Doctor Network
Types of review articles include, but are not limited to:
For a complete analysis of the 14 review types see the link to the article "A typology of reviews" below.
If you are working on a Quality Improvement project and want to share new knowledge, SQUIRE offers a framework for reporting new knowledge. See the link below for more information.
If you want to prepare a systematic review, look to the link below for managing and writing up such a project.
The British Medical Journal has prepared a handy guide to the different types of articles that they publish and how to prepare a manuscript. See below for the link.
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