Using email and social media

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This section will include guidance on:

  • Email
  • Social media and other digital tools
  • Technology-enhanced working

Email has become a standard way to communicate in many working environments. If you feel that you could benefit from some training on how to use it, try the Learn My Way free online course for an introduction to online basics, including using email.

Social media and other digital tools

Using social media can feel challenging! Social media includes platforms like Facebook, Twitter and Instagram. There are many tools you can use to help develop your confidence in using them.

Getting started

If you are new to social media, visit the Build your networks section of this guide to find out about different means of building personal learning networks and how they can benefit your practice.

Beginners can also try the More Internet Skills online course from Learn My Way which includes sections on socialising online and using Facebook.

Scottish Government: 10 Things

The Scottish Government Library's 10 Things is a free course which runs over 10 weeks. Participants learn one “thing” each week with the opportunity to complete activities and discuss the benefits and challenges of each with others.

The course uses a blogging style, which is a website or web page written by an individual or small group. They are often written in an informal or conversational style to encourage visitors to join in.

University of Edinburgh: 23 Things for Digital Knowledge

For more about using social media, including blogs, try exploring the University of Edinburgh's self-directed course, 23 Things for Digital Knowledge. You can work through the materials at your own pace and choose the topics that are of interest to you.

SSSC: 23 Things Digital programme

Inspired and influenced by the Univeristy of Edinburgh programme, the Scottish Social Services Council (SSSC) developed their 23 Things Digital programme aimed at social services staff in Scotland. The content has been slightly adapted for this audience, taking the particular challenges they face in a digital environment into account.

This programme also includes some topics not covered in other programmes, such as Open Badges.

Technology-enhanced working

For information on other technologies and tools that are becoming more commonplace in many working environments, such as applications to enable virtual meetings, please see the Digital tools for the workplace section of this guide.