Getting started using the leadership and management zone

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A guide to getting started using the leadership and management zone.

Exploration is the key

Effective leadership, management and improvement can impact positively on the teams you work in and the services you provide.  We are confident there will be something on each of these topics in the zone for you.

A flexible, self-directed learning resource

The zone is not a programme to be completed.  You'll have access to high-quality resources built to stimulate, interest and inform.  Exploration is the key to getting the most out of the zone.

You may get feedback from a range of sources.

It helps to talk with your line manager about your appraisal and personal development plan. Be curious and find resources suited to you.

Go at your own pace

Resources include e-modules, articles and webinars. You can explore these at your own pace. They are designed to support and encourage as you develop your knowledge and skills. They’ll help you in your current role and prepare you for future roles.

There are three levels

Each of these represent a development stage in your own progress. These are:

 Within each level you can explore three different pathways.  These are:

  • Leadership for health and care
  • People and resource management
  • Managing and leading quality improvement

 Together, they cover a range of leadership and management topics. This will give you a balanced, self-directed development experience.

Easy access

There are three ways to access useful resources. Explore by level, by pathway or by search. We recommend logging into Turas. That way you'll have access to all resources.

The zone has more related resources on offer:


We hope you enjoy exploring and learning in the Leadership and Management Zone.  If you have any questions, please contact