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Links to resources and information to support nurse endoscopy workforce education and development.

Endoscopy education and skills training

Glasgow Caledonian University - Advanced Skills and Innovative practice (Endoscopy) module | 30 credits at MSc level

Following completion of this theory module, practitioners will undertake a skill-based competency driven course. Therefore, the aim of this module is to develop the theoretical knowledge required to support progression on to a skills-based course that enables registered healthcare professionals to safely and independently conduct gastrointestinal endoscopy, in their chosen modality (gastroscopy or colonoscopy).

Physicians Joint Advisory Group on GI Endoscopy (JAG) - JAG Endoscopy Training System (JETS)

JETS is a web-based e-portfolio which allows trainees and trainers to record their endoscopic experience and demonstrate their performance, progression and competence. JAG certification is managed by JETS; this is awarded to trainees who can evidence that they are performing at a standard that is appropriate for them to work independently.

University of Dundee – Institute for Healthcare Simulation - Skills Training

Provide a comprehensive variety of pre and post registration training courses suitable for nursing,medical and surgical trainees/ endoscopists including Basic Skills in Upper Gastrointestinal (UGI) Endoscopy, Basic Skills in Colonoscopy, Lower GI Polypectomy Skills, Upskilling in Colonoscopyand Train the Trainer.

Endoscopy and urology diagnostic: recovery and renewal plan (published November 2021)



Resources from conferences and events

There are a range of resources available from NES Nurse Endoscopy conferences and events and these can be accessed on the conference and events page.