News and updates in relation to Nurse Endoscopy workforce education and development.
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Latest news
9 May 2023
We are pleased to share this opportunity enabling candidates to apply for a funded place on the Nurse endoscopy module, commencing Autumn semester 2022. Full details available on the applications page- Nurse Endoscopy: application | Turas | Learn (
17 October 2022
28/11/22 saw the launch of the first ‘face to face’ course on Endoscopy Non-technical Skills (ENTS) in Scotland. The course is free, has been co-developed with JAG, and is targeted at all members of the endoscopy team. Further information and details on the next scheduled course can be found on the NHS Academy Website- ENTS course details
1 August 2022
Booking is now open for the Endoscopy Virtual Education Event: ‘Turning pressure into progress- Where we go next with endoscopy education at distance event on 3 November 2022. Full details on the conference and events page.
11 July 2022
Registration is now open for The BAUN 2022 Annual Conference at
This year's annual conference will focus on ‘Showcasing the Impact of Urological Nursing.’ Main conference takes place on 7th and 8th November. In addition, our popular pre-conference workshops take place on Sunday 6th November. Across both days of the main conference there will be 15 hours of formal education, for the purposes of CPD.
9 May 2022
We are pleased to share this opportunity enabling candidates to apply for a funded place on the Nurse endoscopy module, commencing Autumn semester 2022. Full details available on the applications page- Nurse Endoscopy: application | Turas | Learn (
1 April 2022
We are pleased to share this opportunity enabling candidates to apply for a funded place on the Non-medical cystoscopy programme, commencing Autumn semester 2022. Full details available on the applications page- Applications for non-medical cystoscopy programme | Turas | Learn (
29 November 2021
We feel privileged to be able to share our poster on the non-medical cystoscopy bootcamp pilot at the virtual British Association of Urology Nurses virtual conference today. #BAUN21 Check out the poster.
17 November 2021
NES are delighted to announce that applications are open for Cohort 17 of the Digital Health and Care Leadership Programme (DLP). The programme is designed for experienced health and care professionals who have: an interest in digital health and care; a passion to increase the use of technology for the benefit of service users; and determination to develop their leadership skills. This is a virtually run programme involving live learning sessions, peer support groups and self-study time. More information about the programme, including application guidance can be found on the Turas Programme Page. Any queries can be directed to
11th November 2021
The programme for the Non-Medical Endoscopy:‘Turning a corner’ Innovative educational solutions supporting endoscopy service recovery at distance event on 30th November 2021 is now available on the conference and events page..
8th November 2021
We have expanded the site to include non-medical endoscopy careers and have a couple of interesting videos available to watch from practiitioners in NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde and NHS Fife. Go to the non-medical endoscopy careers page.
14 September 2021
Booking is now open for the Non-Medical Endoscopy:‘Turning a corner’ Innovative educational solutions supporting endoscopy service recovery at distance event on 30th November 2021. Full details on the conference and events page.
24th May 2021
We are pleased to share this opportunity enabling candidates to apply for a funded place on the nurse endoscopy programme, commencing Autumn semester 2021. Full details available on the nurse endoscopy application page.
2nd December 2020
Booking is now open for the Nurse Endoscopy: making progress event on 3rd February 2021. Full details on the conference and events page.
10 June 2020
We are pleased to share this opportunity enabling candidates to apply for a funded place on the nurse endoscopy programme, commencing Autumn semester 2020. Full details available on the nurse endoscopy application page.
24 February 2020
We have published the Career and Development Framework for Nurse Endoscopists in Scotland today. Find out more and access the framework from the resources section.
NES are hosting the first nurse endoscopy: supporting educational development at distance event on 2th February 2020. Further information and presentations from the event available on the conference and events page.