District nurse CPD

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elearning to support district nurses in their continuing professional development

Supporting the transition to the refocused district nurse role
District Nurse CPD elearning

This learning resource is aimed at all band 6 district nurses to support with the transition to the refocused role and is also suitable for other community nurses seeking development.

The learning resource is self-directed and is organised around the Pillars of Practice model. Each pillar has a self-assessment to help you identify your priority learning needs and then direct you to the relevant learning sections that you can work through. The time to complete the resource will vary dependant on your learning needs.

Learning Outcomes

By the end of the clinical practice pillar you will be able to:

  • apply critical thinking to support assessment and the clinical decision-making process,
  • embed anticipatory care to support person-centred care delivery within your team,
  • develop knowledge and skills to enhance the support for people living with dementia, their families and carers,
  • demonstrate an understanding of the importance of emotional, mental health and wellbeing when supporting people.

By the end of the facilitating learning pillar you will be able to:

  • role model and implement supportive supervision approaches and reflective practice
  • facilitate feedback seeking behaviours within your team.

By the end of the leadership pillar you will be able to:

  • demonstrate effective leadership to support district nursing in an integrated locality model,
  • examine your practice in relation to effectively managing your caseload,
  • describe how to lead an effective team,
  • provide leadership for quality improvement and service development to enhance people's wellbeing and experiences of health care,
  • provide leadership around managing risk,
  • demonstrate knowledge of the importance of resilience in self and others.

By the end of the evidence, research and development pillar you will be able to:

  • source and use evidence relevant to your practice,
  • measure the effectiveness and impact of care.

Completion Time: 22 hours 30 minutes

Audience: General audience, District nurse

Note: You will need to register for a free Turas account to access this module. Your progress will be recorded and you will be available to verify your successful course completion on the "My Learning Record" page. 

Once you have registered for an account and signed in you will be able to access the elearning module below.