ScIL cohort 19
Aim: To achieve weekly reporting of a minimum of one ‘near miss’ medication incident by 80% (8 out of 10) of pharmacy staff in one anonymous community pharmacy by 30th June 2019.
Aim: Increasing Production Hours.
Aim: To increase the number of social workers registered on the HSCQI website by 10 each month by 1st July 2019.
Aim: By June 2019 50% of Social Care Council Registrants will Pay their Annual Fee Online.
Aim: To reduce stress-related absence within the Portering and Domestic cleaning services in the Ulster Hospital from 16.9% to 10% of overall sickness absence by June 2019.
Aim: By June 2019 increase by 20% the number of ambulance crews arriving with patients to Craigavon Area Hospital(CAH) Emergency Department(ED) who meet the target of 30 minutes for turnaround
Aim: Improve by 10% the detection of the deteriorating patient in labour ward in Antrim Area Hospital by September 2019
Aim: To reduce the number of violent incidents in a psychiatric admissions unit (Rathlin Ward) by 10% by June 2019
Aim: to increase the visits to the FNFM webpage to 150 per week by June 2019
Aim: By June 2019, 90% of patient suicide information reports will consistently record all datasets recommended by the Towards Zero Suicide Patient Safety Programme in NHSCT.
Aim: By Sept 2019 increase the daily % of patients who arrive at Antrim Area Hospital ED via ambulance who are ‘turned around’ within 30 minutes by 5%.
Aim: to reduce the number of phone calls made to Aughnacloy Care Home enquiring about bed availability by 50% by December 2019.
AIM: To increase the number of complaints responded to within 40 days, in the Acute Directorate, Altnagelvin Hospital, from 55% (November 2018) to 80% by May 2019.
Aim: To ensure that 80% of transferred OMFS patients who attend Downe Day Surgery Unit for treatment have all of the necessary information present at the time of surgery.
Aim: To increase senior manager engagement and capability in targeted quality improvement programmes and training by 50% by June 2019.
Aim: By June 2019, 80% of patients over the age of 65 (or deemed at risk of falls) admitted to the Observation Ward in Antrim Area Hospital, will have a lying standing blood pressure completed.
Aim: By October 2019, 70% of stroke patients are admitted direct to the stroke unit (DSU) within 4 hours of arrival at the Emergency Department (ED), Ulster Hospital.
Aim: Patients with severe enduring mental illness die on average 15 to 20 years earlier than the general population. This project aims to ensure that 80% of patients admitted to the Elm and Lime wards in the Tyrone and Fermanagh Hospital have...
Aim: To ensure 95% of Consultant available time is recorded on electronic consultancy portal (STAR) against all proposals by the 3rd working day for SLA management by December 2019
Aim: We aim that by 1st June 2019, 70% of patients on regular In-centre Dialysis in the Western Trust will achieve compliance with their phosphate targets of <1.7 mmols/l on their monthly blood readings.
Aim: To increase the amount of HSC QI site traffic overall by 5% weekly December 18-April 19
Aim: By June 2019, 90% daily fluid balance and prescription charts (DFBPC) will have the cumulative input and output totalling completed for children prescribed IV fluids. Currently 50% of the charts have all calculations completed.