Further reading and resources

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Further reading and resources

Reading List

CIPD (2004) Reorganising for Success - A Survey of HR’s Role in Change. London: CIPD.

CIPD (2009) Coaching at the Sharp End. London: CIPD.

CIPD and O2, (2015), Breaking the Boardroom: A Guide for British Businesses. London: CIPD.

Clutterbuck, D. and Megginson, D. (1997) Mentoring in Action: A Practical Guide for Managers. London: Kogan Page.

Clutterbuck, D., (2004) Everyone needs a mentor. London: CIPD.

Clutterbuck, D. (2003) Managing Work-life Balance: A Guide for HR in Achieving Organisational and Individual Change. London: CIPD.

Colley, H., (2002) A Rough Guide to the History of Mentoring from a Marxist feminist perspective, Journal of Education for Teachers, 28 (3) 247-263.

Cooperrider, D. and Whitney D., (2005) Appreciative Inquiry. San Francisco: Berrett-Koehler Publishers Inc.

Cosgrove E. and Hope S., (2014) Conversation Stopper, Coaching at Work, vol 8 issue 5, 18-19.

De Haan, E., (2008) Relational Coaching. Chichester: John Wiley.

Downey, M., (2003) Effective Coaching. London: Texere.

Flaherty, J., (1999) Coaching: Evoking Excellence in Others. Woburn, MA: Butterworth-Heinemann.

Foster-Turner J., (2006) Coaching and Mentoring in Health and Social Care. Oxford: Radcliffe Publishing.

Frei, E., Stamm, M., and Buddeberg-Fischer, B. (2010) Mentoring Programme for Medical Students – a Review of Pub Med Literature 2000-2008. BMC Medical Education, 10:32.

Fruchter, R and Lewis S., (2003) Mentoring Models in Support of P5BL in Architecture/Engineering/Construction Global Teamwork. International Journal of Engineering Education, vol 19, no 5, 663-671.

Gallo A., (2011) Demystifying Mentoring, Harvard Business Review Network Blog. Available at https://hbr.org/2011/02/demystifying-mentoring. Accessed 11/02/19.

Gallwey, T. (1974) The Inner Game of Tennis. London: Pan Books.

Grant, A. (2000) Paper presented at the University of Sydney (quoted by Hawkins, 2006.)

Hall, L. and Duval, M. (2005) Meta Coaching: Volume 1 Coaching Change for Higher Levels of Success and Transformation. Clifton, CO: Neuro-Semantics Publications.

Hammond S. (1998) The Thin Book of Appreciative Inquiry. Bend Oregon: Thin Book Publishing Company.

Hawkins P. and Smith N. (2006) Coaching, Mentoring and Organisational Consultancy. Open University Press: Maidenhead.

Hay J. (1999) Transformational Mentoring – Creating Developmental Alliances for Changing Organisational Cultures. Watford: Sherwood Publishing.

Kline N. (2008) Time to Think. London: Cassell.

Knight, S. (2004) NLP at Work. London: Nicholas Brealey Publishing.

Lansberg, M. (1996) The Tao of Coaching. London: Harper Collins Business.

Lee, G. (2003) Leadership Coaching. London: CIPD.

Levinson D. (1978) The Seasons of a Man’s Life. New York: Ballantine.

McCray J., Turner H., Hall B., Price M. and Constable G. (2014) Social Care mentorship and employee engagement in the transformation of the social care workforce. Journal of Workplace Learning, 26 (3),267-280.

Morris-Williams, Z. and Grant, A. How to be a Good Mentor. Wales Deanery Deoniaeth, Cymru/Cardiff University. Available at  https://www.cardiff.ac.uk/__data/assets/pdf_file/0018/1165032/How_to_be_a_Good_Mentor.pdf. Accessed 11/02/19.

O’Neill, M. (2000) Executive Coaching with Backbone and Heart: A Systems Approach to Engaging Leaders with their Challenges. San Francisco: Josey Bass.

Palmer S. and Cooper G. (2010) How to Deal with Stress. London: Kogan Page.

Parsloe, E. (1999) The Manager as Coach and Mentor. London: CIPD.

Peltier, B. (2010) The Psychology of Executive Coaching: Theory and Application. Hove: Routledge.

Piper J. and Piper K. (2000) Disaffected young people as the problem. Mentoring as the Solution. Education and work as the goal. Journal of Education and Work. 13 (1), 77-94.

Renton, J. (2009) Coaching and mentoring: What they are and how to make the most of them. London: The Economist in association with Profile Books Ltd.

Rivera, F.O. (2014) Enhancing the Mentor Mentee relationship. Healthcare Executive, March,29 (2) 66-69.

Roche G.R. (1978) Much Ado about Mentors. Harvard Business Review, 57 (1) 14-28.

Rogers, C. (1961) On becoming a Person. Boston: Houghton Mifflin.

Rogers, J. (2006) Developing a Coaching Business. New York: Open University Press.

Rogers, J. (2004) Coaching Skills: a Handbook. Maidenhead: Open University Press.

Sandler, C. (2011) Executive Coaching: A Psychodynamic Approach. Maidenhead: Open University Press.

Starr, J. (2003) The Coaching Manual. London: Prentice Hall.

Starr, J. (2014) The Mentoring Manual. Harlow: Pearson.

Torbert, W. (2004) Action Inquiry: The Secrets of Timely and Transforming Leadership. San Francisco: Berrett-Koehler.

Waldrond-Skinner, S. (1976) Family Therapy. London: Routledge and Kegan Paul.

West, M. (2015) Leadership and Leadership Development in Health Care: The Evidence Base. London, Faculty of Medical Leadership and Management /King’s Fund.

Whitmore, J. (2004) Coaching for Performance. London: Nicholas Brearley Publishing.

Whitmore, J. (1996) Coaching for Performance. London: Nicholas Brearley Publishing.

Whittington, J. (2012) Systemic Coaching and Constellations. London: Kogan Page.

Whitworth, L., Kimsey-House, H. and Sandahl, P. (1998) Co-active Coaching. Palo Alto: Davies-Black Publishing.               

Wilson, S. (12 December 2013) Guidance for mentoring in the Social Service Workforce. Scottish Social Services Council.

Resource List

European Mentoring and Coaching Council: www.emcouncil.org

Coaching and Mentoring Network:  www.coachingnetwork.org.uk.

European Mentoring Centre  www.mentoringcentre.org

Association for Coaching: www.associationforcoaching.com

Coaching Psychology Forum: www.coachingpsychologyforum.org.uk

The international Coach Federation: www.coachfederation.org

The National Mentoring Network: www.nmn.org.uk

Mentors Forum www.mentorsforum.co.uk

The International Systemic Constellations Association http://www.isca-network.org/

The International Forum for Systemic Constellations in Organisations  http://www.infosyon.com

Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development: www.cipd.co.uk

Mike the Mentor  www.mikethementor.co.uk

Sue Knight:  www.sueknight.co.uk

Eric de Haan:  www.ashridge.com/erikdehaan

Julie Starr: www.starrconsulting.co.uk