Useful reference documentation for VDPs
As an employee of NES you will follow the NHS Scotland Workforce Attendance Policy.
To apply this policy to VT, please use this Sickness and Absence Reporting Procedure.
As an employee of NES you will follow the NHS Scotland Workforce Special Leave Policy.
To apply this policy to VT, please use this Special Leave Request Procedure.
The special leave request form can be found here.
VDPs are entitled to 20 days annual leave (140 hours) and 8 public holidays (56 hours) pro rata.
You should ensure that prior to taking any annual leave, you obtain approval from your training practice. Annual leave requests should be applied for in hours. It would be appreciated if you could avoid taking an hour here and two hours there and it is suggested that you take a full day or half day leave in hours.
The Educational Memorandum of Understanding is a document which outlines in broad terms the expectations of Vocational Training.
It provides details of what NHS Education for Scotland expects of Vocational Dental Practitioners, and what Vocational Dental Practitioners can expect of NHS Education for Scotland.
The Educational Memorandum of Understanding must be signed as part of your contract on Turas People.
Travel and subsistence can be claimed for attending Vocational Training study days. This can be reimbursed via the Dental Vocational Training travel and expenses form 2024-25. You will have to download and rename this form to complete it.
Please refer to VDP Travel and Subsistence Expense Guidance 2024-25 prior to completing the form.
All claims should be submitted directly to and only one claim per calendar month. Claims submitted to any other mailbox will be returned unpaid.