This site has been designed by the Board Development Team as your central source for learning and development resources tailored to NHS Board members. Here, you'll find valuable information, guidance, and tools to support you in your role and help you effectively meet your governance responsibilities.
Contents are developed with NHS Board Chairs, non-executives and governance experts so it helps with the realities of life on a Board.
Core reference documents for anyone involved in NHS Board governance are The Blueprint for Good Governance and the Standard Documents - NHS Scotland that Boards are required to have.
The Board Development team at NHS Education for Scotland is a national support to all NHS Boards. Its purpose is to help prepare and support non-executive Board members and NHS Board Chairs to discharge their corporate governance responsibilities.
Board Development does this by producing a flexible package of development particularly focussing on governance, leadership and quality improvement.
The Team work closely with Scottish Government and The Ethical Standards Commissioner to create learning material and opportunities for Board Members. Best practice examples can be found throughout this learning site and on The Ethical Standards website.
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Keep up-to-date with all things Board Development with our newsletter where you will find out more about our programmes, resources and events.
We collaborate with Teams across NHS Education for Scotland to share learning and development opportunities available for Board members.
For further support with Board Development, email us at board.development@nes.scot.nhs.uk.
The resources on this site may be made available, in full or summary form, in alternative formats and community languages. Email altformats@nes.scot.nhs.uk to discuss how they can best meet your requirements.