Improved recognition and management of delirium in hip fracture patients

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Delirium is common in patients presenting with falls and fracture. Evidence suggests rates as high as 30-60% of those admitted with hip fracture develop delirium. Delirium is often unrecognised and is associated with poor patient outcomes including institutionalisation and death. The risk of developing delirium as well as the incumbent risks associated with this condition, can be mitigated with better identification and management. Health Improvement Scotland, in collaboration with the Scottish Delirium Association, NHS Education for Scotland and colleagues across NHS Scotland, have developed a range of tools and resources for healthcare professionals to help improve the identification and immediate management of delirium in clinical settings. This includes the 4AT, which is a validated rapid assessment test for both delirium and cognitive impairment and the TIME bundle. Historically delirium has been recognised and treated by the Medicine for the Elderly team providing liaison into

Published: 30/06/2017

Publisher: NHS Education for Scotland (NES)

Keywords: Quality and safety fellowship

Type: Document

Audience: General audience