NHS Education for Scotland (NES)
It was recognised that there had been an increase in the number of falls within station 2, a busy acute receiving and elective vascular surgery ward in University Hospital Ayr. Our patients have multiple co-morbidities and complex needs. This alone presents a significant challenge in delivering safe, effective, person centred care. Our care was delivered through the intentional rounding concept, however after the introduction of the care and comfort charts this model of care delivery became less effective. Staff were more focused on the completion of the care and comfort chart rather than the delivery of direct patient care. Organisationally the focus was around completion of an accurate chart rather than the quality of care and patient outcomes.As Senior Charge Nurse I felt by re-engaging the team we could improve our patients outcome and reduce harm. As a team we agreed to our aim was to reduce falls by 50% within Vascular surgery by May 2017
Published: 30/06/2017
Publisher: NHS Education for Scotland (NES)
Keywords: Quality and safety fellowship
Type: Document
Audience: General audience