B-Safe Project

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NHS Education for Scotland (NES)

Developing a Safety Plan/Crisis Plan is usually part of ongoing treatment in the community for mental health difficulties to improve safety/reduce risk. They should be developed outside of a crisis, be brief, in one’s own words, easy to read & access, and to be used preceding or during a crisis.Development of a Personalised Risk Management Plan is recognized as 1 of 10 ways to improve safety in mental health (Appleby et al. 2016). Safety/Crisis Plans can be made with/without a template or are wallet-sized with emergency numbers. Beechcroft CAMHS Inpatient Service had a number of templates within the service, mostly forparent/carers. The B-Safe Project was to co-produce a safety plan with young people, that they would like and use, and to engage and empower them to manage their distress in a safer manner. Aim: By March 2017 over 90% of young people admitted more than 10 days to the Admission Ward, Beechcroft, will have a safety plan completed.

Published: 30/06/2017

Publisher: NHS Education for Scotland (NES)

Keywords: Quality and safety fellowship

Type: Document

Audience: General audience