NHS Education for Scotland (NES)
The aim of the project is to improve the reliability of delivering safe care for patients on high risk medications and diabetic patients were introduced ntothe care bundle from January 2017. Five dental practices in NHS Fife are involved in piloting the Scottish Patient Safety Programme (SPSP) in Primary Dental Care in Scotland.The work uses Scottish Dental Clinical Effectiveness Programme (SDCEP) guidance on anticoagulants, antiplateletand bisphosphonates. Nearly 10% of the Fife population are taking at least one medication relating to the above (including aspirin) which may impact on the delivery of dental care. A core priority is the team approach with the patient at the centre of the work. The wider practice team are key to identifying areas for improvement and putting systems in place to ensure every patient is treated consistently using evidence based guidance. NHS Fife’s aim is ‘By 31 March 2017, the collaborative will achieve 90% compliance with the high risk medications car
Published: 30/06/2017
Publisher: NHS Education for Scotland (NES)
Keywords: Quality and safety fellowship
Type: Document
Audience: General audience