NHS Education for Scotland (NES)
The Scottish Ambulance Service (SAS) provides unscheduled (Emergency) and scheduled transport (Patient Transport Service) to patients across Scotland. The Patient Transport Service (PTS) provides ambulances to patients who need support to reach their healthcare appointment or for their admission to and discharge from hospital, due to their medical or clinical needs. In the West of Scotland these journeys equate to 550 patient journeys per day in Glasgow alone.Presently within the Scottish Ambulance Service, there are no formal methods of identifying and capturing the patients experience or “what matters to you”. Complaints and concerns received by the service form the basis for areas of improvement. Care Opinion a non profit organisation founded in 2005 has been recognised by 90% of NHS Trusts and the Scottish Government has financially supported in 2013. It gives patients an opportunity to comment on services received. Whilst it is recognised that it is valid tool as described it is
Publisher: NHS Education for Scotland (NES)
Keywords: Quality and safety fellowship
Type: Document
Audience: General audience