Leading to Change Self-Assessment Questionnaire (SAQ)

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The Self-Assessment Questionnaire, known as the SAQ, is the key piece of development for everything we offer in Leading to Change.  It’s your chance to explore the leadership profile and find out where your strengths and development areas lie. Once you have registered and built your profile you are ready to complete the SAQ. 

Completing your SAQ
Image of Leading for Change logo

It takes around 30 mins to complete although you can take as long as you like. You can save and go back to it at another time although many find it helpful to do it as a complete exercise.  We recommend finding a quiet time and place where you are unlikely to be disturbed and somewhere with good internet connection.  You can use any device and that could be your own phone or tablet as you can access it via the website. 

Once complete you can view your SAQ report immediately on screen and you can also download a copy in PDF. 

For more information on how to complete and utilise your SAQ, please visit the App page on the Leading to Change website.