LEP Guidance Page
What is a LEP?
LEP stands for Longitudinal Evaluation of Performance and is an assessment tool which involves the regular observation and rating of performance across a number of categories. It covers a wide range of patient encounters and tests trainees’ competence across all domains. Judgements relate only to the performance at each encounter and are made against a reference point that is the standard required upon completion of training. On average, a minimum of one LEP per week is required and minimum returns are set for each training block. Feedback should be given by evaluators as soon as possible following assessment.
8th August 2024 - 7th November 2024
Number of LEPs:
8th November 2024 - 13th February 2025
Number of LEPs:
14th February 2025 - 24th April 2025
Number of LEPs:
Completion of a minimum of 42 LEPs for the training year
(36 of which should be completed by your Trainer)
LEPs completed are across an appropriate range of different clinical foci, case complexities, patient age groups, and use multiple evaluators each block.
Identified areas of weakness are repeated in subsequent LEPs and provide evidence of improvement to the required standard.
Any identified areas of consistently poor performance have been addressed using targeted training and evidence is provided of improvement (using appropriate methods).
All required block targets have been met.
A fully signed Summary of Performance sheet for each LEP block.
It is the responsibility of trainees to ensure that LEP data is entered by the deadline dates (submissions can be made up until 23:59 of the deadline date). LEPs submitted after the block deadline will not be accepted except in exceptional circumstances which should be submitted in writing to the Dental Assessment Unit BEFORE the deadline date. If a trainee does not meet the target number of LEPs for all blocks, the portfolio of that individual will be reviewed by the National Review Panel towards the end of the training year for a decision on whether or not to award Satisfactory Completion.