NHS Education for Scotland (NES)
In the ICU patients are continuously monitored, and have a dedicated nurse. The ICU staff is very experienced in the complex multi morbidity patients. When the patients get better they are transferred to a general ward. Monitoring is reduced to a minimum. Nursing staff and doctors are not comfortable dealing with complex decisions regarding nutrition, fluid balance, delirium or tracheal suctioning. When patients and relatives detects the change in monitoring, staff and competence, it often creates anxiety. We want to: improve patient satisfaction, and reduce anxiety when discharging patients from ICU to a general ward. Help general ward doctors and nurses coping with these complex patients. Reduce number of readmissions to ICU. Monitor if the project influences 30 day mortality after discharge from ICU.
Publisher: NHS Education for Scotland (NES)
Keywords: Quality improvement
Type: Document
Audience: General audience