NHS Education for Scotland (NES)
Hazardous and harmful drinking are commonly encountered among hospital attendees; approximately 20% of patients admitted to hospital for illnesses unrelated to alcohol are drinking at potentially hazardous levels. An abrupt reduction in alcohol intake in a person who has been drinking excessively for a prolonged period of time may result in the development of an alcohol withdrawal syndrome. Violence and aggression can be factors associated with acute alcohol withdrawal. Aim: All patients admitted to ‘A’ Ward with a diagnosis of Acute Alcohol Withdrawal will commence treatment using the symptom triggered CIWA-ar scale. A symptom-triggered regimen involves treatment tailored to the person's individual needs. These are determined by the severity of withdrawal signs and symptoms. The patient is regularly assessed and monitored by nursing staff using the CIWA-Ar. Medication is administered when the patient needs it and treatment is withheld if there are no symptoms of withdrawal.
Publisher: NHS Education for Scotland (NES)
Keywords: Quality improvement
Type: Document
Audience: General audience