NHS Education for Scotland (NES)
Rehabilitation following Acquired Brain Injury in adults is shown to impact upon re-integration into family, work, educational and social life. Identification of goals is an important aspect of the rehabilitation process, however feedback from service-users showed that goal plans written within one aspect of the South Eastern Trust Interdisciplinary Community Brain Injury Service (CBIS) were not relevant, vague, difficult to understand and did not capture gains made. This project is the third strand of a wider project considering engagement and participation in goal planning carried out by the CBIS which provides services to people aged 18-65 with Acquired Brain Injury and their families. The service is comprised of Administration Support, Allied Heath Professionals, Clinical Psychology, Nursing, Rehabilitation Coaches, and Social Work. Aim: 33% service-users will understand their individual goal plans by end June 2015 (increasing to 66% by end Oct 2015 and > 85% by end Feb 2016).
Publisher: NHS Education for Scotland (NES)
Keywords: Quality improvement
Type: Document
Audience: General audience