Improving the gifting of the play@home toddler book to parents and carers

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NHS Education for Scotland (NES)

“Investing in childrens play is one of the most important things we can do to improve childrens health and wellbeing in Scotland” - Play Strategy 2013. Inequalities in Lanarkshire exist, some families are not getting Health Scotland's play@home resources, which they are entitled to. The strapline for the play@home programme is, start early and stay active for life. If we are giving children the best start in life, this requires early intervention. Following conversations with all health visiting teams across Lanarkshire, we became aware that there was an opportunity to improve the process of gifting play@home to our families. Aim: 95% of parents in 2 health visiting caseloads, receive and are using the play@home toddler book, and have been gifted the resources with the key gifting messages by June 2016.

Publisher: NHS Education for Scotland (NES)

Keywords: Quality improvement

Type: Document

Audience: General audience