NEWS2 (National Early Warning Score) e-module

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Resources to support the understanding, identification and escalation of deteriorating patients, this is a e-learning module for health and care practitioners. 

About NEWS2

The original NEWS was released in 2012 and has been widely implemented across the NHS and in other healthcare settings across the world. The NEWS was created to standardise the process of recording, scoring and responding to changes in routinely measured physiological parameters in acutely ill patients. The NEWS was founded on the premise that early detection, timeliness and competency of the clinical response comprise a triad of determinants of clinical outcome in people with acute illness.

NEWS2 was updated in 2017 to encompass:

  •  Some changes in parameters
  •  Incorporation of the A to E assessment 
  •  Introduction of two oxygen saturation scales
  •  Update AVPU to include new confusion
  •  Update the oxygen delivery device to help identify increasing oxygen requirements. 
National Early Warning Score (NEWS2) eLearning
Further Reading

To learn more, please visit Royal College of Physicians National Early Warning Score (NEWS2) here