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Learning opportunities and resources for KIND staff.

KIND Learning Network

About the KIND Learning Network 

People are at the heart of all innovation and change. This network exists to support people who work with knowledge, information, and data as they work to transform health and social care. There's a large (and growing) workforce responsible for this work in Scotland. However, this workforce is really diverse. It's not like e.g. nursing or other NMHAP professions where there are fixed entry and promotion criteria. It's all a bit more complicated, and KIND workers might be called hundreds of different job titles. And that splitting up contributes to KIND workers being less visible than I think they should be. Kathleen Grey and colleagues called them "ghosts in the machine

There's been lots of interest in Scotland about improving the ways that KIND staff learn. If you're interested, I'd recommend having a look at the Our Time to Shine reports for the relevant background. We're also lucky to have some of the leads from that work in this channel who can bring their wealth of experience into our conversations. 

As anyone working in KIND will know, things change fast, and staying on top of all the important new developments often feels like a full-time job in itself.  As time goes on we'll have new training available - do get in touch if there's something you'd be particularly interested in learning more about. 

This network is a discussion space for you and other KIND workers, designed to help you with learning support, to promote collaborations... Do check out the FAQ and get in touch. So if you're here, welcome, and I look forward to finding out more about you, your interests, and your work. 

Forthcoming KIND Learning Network webinars

07/12/2022, 1-5pm. KIND unconference - details and registration.

Previous KIND Learning Network webinars

Recordings of previous webinars are available via our Webinar Archive.

22/11/2022, 11-12pm. Vikki Hadden (NES TEL team) - Top tips for hosting online training.

16/11/2022, 2-3pm. R for Absolute Beginners.

26/10/2022, 2-3pm. NHS Dumfries and Galloway's Performance and Intelligence team - Power BI follow-up

18/10/2022, 2-3pm. Alison Forde and Robert Allanson (NES) - Copyright

05/10/2022, 2.30-3.30pm. Sharon Levy (University of Edinburgh) - CPD and PPD programmes

Wednesday 21st September 2022, 2-3pm. Alison Forde and Donna Watson (NES) - Assessing Evidence with The Knowledge Network.

Thursday 8th September 2022. Alexander Royle and James Gray (Discovery service, PHS) and Victoria Elliott and Monica McGibbon (ScotPHO, PHS) - ScotPHO and Discovery: introduction and best practice.

Wednesday 24th August 2022. Siabhainn Russell and Cian O’Donovan - Designing Inclusive Digital Services

Wednesday 27th July 2022. Shannon McNee and Mavis Kelly - Creating Accessible Support Plans through Digital

Monday 20th June 2022. Gordon Morison, Dr Mark Jenkins, and Ronnie Beattie - Glasgow Caledonian University BSc apprenticeship AI & Data Science

Wednesday 25th May 2022. Christy Bell and Matthew McIlorum - Power BI: Rollercoaster of Love

Thursday 28/04/2022. Alison Forde and Donna Watson: Making the Most of The Knowledge Network.

Thursday 28/02/2022. Shannon McNee: Digital Inclusion.

Wednesday 26/01/2022 3-4pm. Cian O'Donovan: Empowering digital workforces - getting the basics right and beyond.