ScIL Cohort 11
Attendance of medication appointments
AIM: By September 2018 10% Emergency Department attendances will be referred on to the co-located Primary Care Out-Of-Hours department, to be seen there by a more appropriate clinician for their needs.
By June 2018, to improve access to psychological therapies for patients who contact the Living Life service we would increase the number of assessments carried out by 60%.
AIM By August 2018 60% of clinical staff will have completed an on line module raising awareness of the duty of candour.
AIM: By September 2018, 85% of children will be able to understand the school values (CHARMS), and use these to articulate their learning, compared to 50% at the start (10 children compared to 6)
We aimed to ensure that by October 2018, 50% of feedback received from young people with cystic fibrosis in the RHC would be used towards improvement.
AIM: All CAMHS Psychologists will engage service-users in a pro-active approach to Outcomes evaluation through the routine use of shared intervention Goals and defined Symptom-focused tools.
Aim To increase on-line Yammer activity and membership by 50% by October 2018.
Aim By October 2018, Speech and Language Therapy Do Not Attend (DNA) rates for children and young people attending Cambuslang Clinic will reduce to 8%
Aim: 50% increase in the number of appropriate RFAs received for children and young people in the North Ayr Community by October 2018.
Aim By June 2018, the average level of Collaboration between schools is at least 4 because high levels of collaboration will improve attainment.
By end September 2018, 80% of staff in Planning and Quality Division will rate joy in work as 8 out of 10 or above.
Contact 90% of patients (with two way dialogue – phone/ email response/ face to face) within 24 hours of initiating attempts to contact by the end of Aug 18.
By September 2018, maximise the benefits of intergenerational sessions by increasing resident's activity levels to 20 minutes per session and having 90% of children achieving high levels of wellbeing and involvement.
Aim: By December 2018, 75% of children under the age of 12 in kinship care in East Renfrewshire will have waited no longer than 36 weeks of being placed to have legal permanence through a Kinship Care Order.
Increase the % of patient-days in which our patients receive adequate protein from 29% to > 80% by December 2018
Aim: to increase to 90% by October 2018 the percentage of patients whose physical eligibility for aesthetic surgery is established before they are invited, only if necessary, to a face-to-face clinical assessment at St John’s Hospital.
Aim: 30% reduction in central line associated blood stream infections (CLABSI) in the Neonatal Unit of the Royal Hospital for Children by 31st March 2019.
Aim By August 2018, 90% of in-patient referrals to the HPCT will have a risk-stratified triage decision, documented same day of receipt.
Aim 90% of the daily nursing team can identify their high risk patients from the safety brief on a shift basis in Ward 112
Aim For 69% of the 16-18 year old male students participating in the project, to successfully complete Level 4 numeracy and Level 4 communication modules on their Entry Level Construction Course in Academic Year 17-18.
Aim: By December 2018, improve patients satisfaction with the information they receive in the GRI ED to a mean score of 4.8 out of 5.
Project Aim: There will be a 40% increase in referrals to the Weight Management Service by Midlothian primary care services by September 2018
Project Aim :By December 2018 information will be available to support decision making within acute services from 2 care and residential homes which will lead to: a reduction in the number of admissions by 5% from the current baseline within...